Sustainable Investing: Know how ESG is benefiting investors across the globe
The pandemic has led to the acceleration of the adaptation of ESG. Earlier, the norm was anything related to the financial crisis will lead to systemic risk to the markets. Now, because of the Covid pandemic, there has also been a physical risk assessed by the markets. Today, we are not only looking at financial risks but also other physical risks that can impact the financial markets. Companies not only need to look at mitigation of risks but capitalise on the opportunities ESG investing can impact the financial markets. Companies not only need to look at mitigation of risks but capitalise on the opportunities ESG investing can provide
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The Argument for ESG in Retirement Plans
Those in favor of including an ESG option in retirement plans believe that if investors have an interest, they should be able to pursue that interest. Above and beyond that, the ESG arena is one that is growing exponentially, and denying access because of a bias that ESG funds are only about investing in a way that feels good instead one that brings returns is unfounded.
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ESG is under attack, and that’s a good thing
The increased scrutiny is a sign that ESG is having a significant impact and the current pushback isn’t necessarily a hindrance to meaningful progress. Instead, it could actually be a boon to the evolution of ESG and its impact. So, the question is: Where are we now and how are ESG leaders digesting this pushback? I’d like to share some takeaways of what I heard from folks across the space these past few weeks in the hopes you find it helpful for the work that lies ahead.
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ESG and Compliance – Reporting
One of the current problems around reporting is there is no one worldwide or even US standard. Cueto and Lewis note there are or will be standards from the EU, initiatived by the five widely adopted standard setters, namely SASB, IIRC, GRI, CDP, and CDSB, here referred to as the G-five, World Economic Forum and IFRS. Nasdaq, while not setting mandatory standards said, “Our thinking in this area has been driven by a foundational document, The Model Guidance on Reporting ESG Information to Investors, originally published in 2015 by the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative.”
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