
17th June 2024 News

Oil India commences ESG initiatives to achieve net zero emission by 2040

Oil India announced the commencement of its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy initiatives in a program held on 14 June 2024, in Noida, in collaboration with a global management consulting firms. These ESG strategy initiatives are a critical part of OIL’s ambitious target to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2040. Read more

Is Voluntary Carbon Market Moving Toward Version 2.0?

Calyx Global, a carbon credit ratings platform, has done an analysis and revealed that the quality in the voluntary carbon market (VCM) shows promising signs of improved integrity. According to the analysis, which has rated over half of all credits issued in the past 5 years, only about 20% of these credits fall into the top half of their rating scale (C+ and above).Notably, less than 10% of the rated credits received a B rating or higher. This highlights the difficulty in sourcing high-integrity carbon credits in the current market landscape. Read more

ESG Team
the authorESG Team