4th January 2022 News

5 Things Decision Makers Need To Know About ESG in The New Year

ESG is expanding exponentially, and it’s likely to become more vital in 2022. For decision makers who want to take the long-term view—that is, all of them—here are five ESG-related facts to keep in mind as a new year arrives.Read more

SV Sastry, DMD at SBI, advocates faster integration of ESG friendly models for long-term sustainable economic growth

Organizations have become increasingly thoughtful about the ESG framework and have realized how sustainable business strategies impact the triple bottom line (People, Planet and Prosperity), stated SV Sastry, DMD, Global Market, SBI.Read more

Blackbaud Acquires EVERFI, a SaaS Leader Powering Corporate ESG and CSR Initiatives that Reach Millions of Learners Each Year

EVERFI’s executive team led by founder and CEO Tom Davidson to join Blackbaud with a focus on growth in the corporate sector. Read more

ESG Team
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