
15th September 2023 News

EU SFDR Review Mulls New Categorisation System

The European Commission has published its much-anticipated consultation on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). It covers issues such as legal certainty, usability, and how SFDR can play its part in tackling greenwashing. The consultation is open till Dec 15, for feedback on the current requirements of SFDR, its interactions with other sustainable finance legislation, and potential changes to the disclosure requirements for financial market participants.

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SBTi Separates Climate Target Standard Setting and Validation Units to Boost Credibility

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), one of the key organizations focused on aligning corporate environmental sustainability action with the global goals of limiting climate change, announced that it is separating its standard-setting and validation activities into distinct entities. This major transformation is aimed at improving governance, boosting integrity and increasing capacity.

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ESG Team
the authorESG Team