Bloomberg Launches Indicators to Measure Exposure to Physical Climate Risk
Bloomberg and climate financial risk data analytics provider Riskthinking.AI announced the launch of new science-based physical risk indicators, which will help in enabling companies and investors to assess and understand exposure to climate-related risks such as floods, droughts and wildfires.
India heading towards groundwater depletion tipping point, warns UN report
As per a new report ‘Interconnected Disaster Risks Report 2023’ published by United Nations University — Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), India is close to reaching its groundwater depletion tipping point.
The report looks at six environmental tipping points — accelerating extinctions, groundwater depletion, mountain glacier melting, space debris, unbearable heat and an uninsurable future and has found that 27 of the world’s 31 major aquifers are depleting faster than they can be replenished.